Why Bean-to-Cup
Freshly ground coffee is a simple pleasure in life. Having freshly ground coffee can stimulate your senses and enhance the flavor of your favorite blends. A bean-to-cup machine is fully automated and does not require the use of a coffee grinder. So this simple pleasure becomes even more simple.
Traditionally, these machines are designed for larger offices or hotels that serve coffee at a high volume. Now, new machines are paving the way for a bean-to-cup experience in a cozy office with up to 50 people.
New to Aroma Coffee, The Sego espresso machine by Bravilor brings the possibility of bean-to-cup for a smaller office. The Sego is a fully automatic espresso machine with three canisters. One for coffee beans and two for instant ingredients such as topping (powdered milk) and cocoa. With the versatile Sego you can serve various drinks like Coffee crema, Café au lait, Cappuccino, Espresso, Americano, Latte Macchiato, Moccachino, and Hot Chocolate. All of course with the freshness of having your drink’s coffee beans ground instantly.
Because this machine is more compact, it can fit comfortably inside kitchenettes or small waiting rooms. The touch screen is user-friendly and offers over 30 choices of drink options so everyone enjoys their cup of java to their own specifications.
Enjoy the robust flavors of our gourmet blends by upgrading to our fine bean-to-cup brewers. The difference that this machine makes compared to classic coffee brewers is significant, especially for a coffee connoisseur. Try it for yourself, request the Sego today!
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